Over the years I've had a car or two that were absolutely quiet while running. Quiet enough that you get that "prang" when engaging the starter on an already running engine.
Now with the Hybrids and electrics being more prolific on the streets the Feds are ready to madate artificial sound so that folks can hear them coming. I've been startled while walking on the street and a Hybrid Fusion drove past. I was totally taken be surprise and about jumped out of my skin. It was silent and going about 15 mph. Wow!
Here's something the Australians have come up with that's funny, but is this what the Feds are thinking about?
It is interesting that you brought this topic up. I was reading about this problem myself, just a week or so ago. I have not seen many hybrids/electrics on the streets in my locale, but can see that "silent running" would indeed present a grave risk to pedestrians.
Of course, the feds will step in to protect us from ourselves, as we are incapable of doing anything on our own!
Perhaps to address the problem, and avoid noise pollution, these cars could be fitted with flashing LED lights that are on so long as the vehicle is energized, or in operation?
Dave Yaros Forum Admin 1955 Cadillac Coupé de Ville 1962 Oldsmobile Dynamic 88 Conv 1992 Cadillac Allanté
I do not know what the solution is, but one may rest assured that our government shall come up with an answer, and whatever it is, it won't be cheap!
Back when gas powered cars were a novelty, they were so noisy that they startled horses, causing lots of problems. Some states actually passed laws requiring gas powered vehicles to be preceded on the road by an individual on foot carrying a red flag!
As inattentive as people are in the world of today, not hearing an approaching car will have serious, adverse consequences.
Dave Yaros Forum Admin 1955 Cadillac Coupé de Ville 1962 Oldsmobile Dynamic 88 Conv 1992 Cadillac Allanté
But the French capital's new car-sharing programme was dealt a rather embarrassing blow when one of its silent electric cars knocked over a pedestrian - because she apparently didn't hear it coming.